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As the head of a firm that has just raised the largest fund the infrastructure asset class has ever seen, GIP’s Adebayo Ogunlesi has reaped the benefits of delivering on a strategy that countered many prevailing notions when it was first devised. Philip Borel caught up with Ogunlesi to reflect on the firm’s progress to date
The EIB’s project bond initiative could fail to launch in 2014 if its pilot phase turns out to be unsuccessful, with the bank fearful that sponsors and procurement authorities will fail to take advantage of the scheme. Bruno Alves reports
European infrastructure investors may well be hoping the UK fails to get its way in the battle over the EU budget
PFI’s successor should have been the framework that conclusively brought institutional investors into the mainstream of greenfield infrastructure debt financing.
Metric Capital Partners has put together a high-powered team from the private equity world to try and tap into credit opportunities in the European mid-market. By Oliver Smiddy
Dividend recaps are undeniably controversial. But they’re a perfectly legitimate way for managers to get much-needed capital back to their LPs – as long as they’re done right
Bryan Martin, who joined New Jersey last year to head up real estate and real assets and helped design the system’s innovative separate accounts business, has joined an insurance agency in Nebraska.
With the private equity real estate space continuing to see more new players, PERE highlights those firms with the right combination of strategy and personnel to succeed in the long run. December 2012/January 2013 issue.
Keith Breslauer, founder of Patron Capital, the London-based firm that has closed on the largest European opportunity fund this year, talks to Robin Marriott about life, family and business…and how he just can’t keep still. December 2012/January 2013 issue.
The firm’s first energy mezzanine fund collected nearly double its $750m target and has already made six investments in both power generation and oil and gas assets.

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