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The New York-based infrastructure private equity firm has agreed to invest in Caiman Energy from its fourth fund, which is targeting $3.5bn.
Despite the ‘sputtering economy’, the firm’s earnings in real estate rose in the second quarter, driven by increases in underlying investments and performance fees.
More limited partners want to form ‘strategic relationships’ that are long-term and involve exposure to multiple strategies, co-founder Steve Schwarzman said during an earnings call this week.
In a rare in-depth interview, KKR co-founder George Roberts discusses both the firm’s and private equity’s ongoing evolution as they move past credit crisis ‘hiccups’ and closer to maturity.
In a rare in-depth interview, KKR co-founder George Roberts discusses both the firm’s and private equity’s ongoing evolution as they move past credit crisis ‘hiccups’ and closer to maturity.
The $6.5bn pension fund’s $500m commitment to AlpInvest is the fund of fund’s first since being acquired by The Carlyle Group in January.
For the first time since the credit crisis, Aberdeen Asset Management has launched an Asia Pacific fund of funds vehicle, seeking out a range of strategies from core to opportunistic and targeting returns between 13 and 17 percent per year.
The $154bn pension system has presented a 2011-2012 business plan that includes a target of $300m to $600m for new infrastructure investments. The plan also recommends that CalSTRS hire an additional investment officer for the infrastructure team.
The $154bn pension system will review a private equity business plan next week that shows a focus on reducing costs by creating separate accounts and expanding the co-investment programme.
The real estate arm of Aberdeen Asset Management is looking to Sweden as the first in a country-by-country series of funds investing in residential property.

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