More than just an alternative

Private Debt Investor is proud to present its first-ever ranking of the world’s
largest institutional private debt investors.

Welcome to the PDI Global Investor 30

Our annual ranking of the top 30 investors in the asset class compares the market value of private debt investment portfolios.

Looking beyond sponsored lending

White Oak Global Advisors chief executive and co-founder Andre Hakkak suggests investors take a wider perspective and look to businesses seeking financing that are excluded from bank lending.
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In addition to the PDI Global Investor 30, Private Debt Investor also compile other private debt rankings.

What’s more, our sister titles also produce their own industry rankings covering private equity, infrastructure investing and private real estate.

To view the latest rankings from Private Debt Investor, plus those from Private Equity InternationalInfrastructure Investor and PERE, simply navigate through the sections below:


Private Debt Investor’s comprehensive database is full of intelligence relating to funds being raised worldwide, with key information on target sizes and strategies used.

Find out more now >


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