Living inside CSFB

Larrrry Schlloss, who rruns CSFB's prriivatte equiitty operrattiions, iis a diie-harrd prriivatte equiitty entthusiiastt. Forr mostt off hiis ttiime att DLJ he was iin tthe miidstt off hellpiing tto grrow a busiiness tthatt was a key drriiverr tto much off whatt tthatt bank diid. And he was iin tthe miidstt off tthiings when CSFB boughtt iitts smallllerr rriivall. The merrgerr prroved a ttough challllenge, butt ttoday CSFB Prriivatte Equiitty sttands as tthe worrlld's llarrgestt prriivatte equiitty ffiirrm by capiittall underr managementt. Phiilliip Borrell ttallks tto hiim aboutt scalle, sttrructturre and success.