Five banks are backing the Italian developer to help finance a satellite-based tolling system for heavy vehicles across France. Atlantia suffered a convoluted procurement process for the contract, at one point seeing the tender annulled by a French court.
Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman said the firm’s LPs reaffirmed their confidence in Blackstone by increasing their commitments in Q3. The firm has a record $33.4bn of dry powder.
What a recent hire by TPG tells us about the way the big guns of private equity are approaching this market. By Robin Marriott.
Warren Allderige, CEO and Managing Director of Pacific Harbor Group, a Hong Kong-based fund manager that looks at special situations funds, stressed and distressed debts, recently spoke to PE Asia about market turmoil and the opportunities that presents some investors.
The European Commission is proposing to use €230m to fund a test phase for its Europe 2020 Project Bond initiative, to be implemented in 2012-2013. The pilot programme, part of a wider €50bn infrastructure facility, will target up to 10 projects and ‘is expected to mobilise investments of up to €4.6bn’.
Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman said the firm’s LPs reaffirmed their confidence in Blackstone by increasing their commitments in Q3. The firm has a record $33.4bn of dry powder.
The London-listed property services firm’s is now at the centre of a competitive bidding process after a deal with France’s BNP Paribas fell apart this week.
If adopted, the $235bn pension system would place most of its alternative investments in buyout funds, with an additional 30% in credit related investments and growth/expansion funds.
The global firm will buy Burger King’s New Zealand operator from Anchorage Capital Partners.
David ibnAle has experience working with the firm’s co-founder, former Blackstone Group managing director Chip Schorr, who launched Augusta Columbia in a spin-out from Blackstone earlier this year.

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