Q&A Robert Thompson, David Yeung, AIG Investments

Robert Thompson is a senior managing director and head of AIG Investments' worldwide alternative investments business. He joined the firm in 2005, before which he was a co-founder of healthcare-focussed private equity firm Ferrer Freeman Thompson & Co. David Yeung is a managing director of AIG Investments in New York and president and chief executive officer of AIG Capital Partners, heading up infrastructure investments in emerging markets including Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America. He previously spent more than 10 years on AIG Investments' Asia private equity team. It seems that every investor is turning attention to the emerging markets these days, and AIG Investments is no exception: over the last 12 months the firm earned double-digit returns from its exits across Asia, closed a €523 million Central and Eastern European fund, and agreed multiple deals in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Africa. But unlike the throngs of newcomers, AIG Investments has the benefit of having been on the ground in most of these markets for the past 10 to 15 years.