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Whether it’s the average fund size, the size of the overall market or the scale (and ambitions) of the fund managers, the industry has expanded at a pace that has surprised many in the finance industry.
Talent outflows are putting LPs in a difficult position at a time when having a sufficient number of experienced staff has become more important than ever.
Interest rates are rising to try and combat inflation, but private debt has some in-built protections and even a chance of further growth.
The litigation finance market is growing in popularity, with deep-pocketed LPs looking for ways to deploy meaningful amounts of capital. But it’s not for the faint-hearted.
GP led secondaries
Challenging market conditions are putting operational efficiency under the spotlight, and data can be expected to have a major role to play.
There has been a surge of interest in the retail investor channel, with fund managers launching new products and hiring specialist resources. But concerns such as transparency and liquidity form a challenging background for those on both the investor and asset management sides. Robin Blumenthal lifts the lid on the key issues
Microscope examination scrutiny
Private debt has been coming under closer scrutiny. The methodology used to value investments is likely to be the next preoccupation for investors.
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How we conducted our annual study of the investor community.

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